Wednesday, September 7, 2016


SEPTEMBER 17 and 18, 2016
Saturday Noon to 4pm
Sunday Noon to 3pm
Sisters in Crime/Hawaii participation
The Makiki Community Library
Celebrates its 40th Anniversary!

We are celebrating the 40th anniversary of The Makiki Community Library on September 17th and 18th (Sat. and Sun.) from 12:00 to 4:00. Come and join us in the following activities:

  • A big used book sale, including a variety of children's books, vintage books, DVDs and records. Get your free book coupon to use at the book sale when you come to check-out books, before the anniversary weekend.
  • The Sisters in Crime will be hosting round table discussions with local authors on Sat. until 4:00 and Sun. until 3:00. The public is welcome to participate.
  • The Fairy Grandmother will bring magic and fun to the keiki on Sunday at 3:00.
  • And oh . . . enjoy some refreshments!
For more information about the library, call (808) 536-7766. 

Makiki Community Library Hours
Wednesdays 2-6 pm
Saturdays 12-4 pm
Sundays 12-4 pm

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Sisters in Crime/Hawaii members will hold round-table discussions focused on the art and craft of writing.

Everyone is welcome to join in the discussions, to listen, participate, and ask questions.

Discussion topics will range from:
Writing the First Draft;
Researching a Story Setting or Background;

Memoir -vs- Based on True Story;

and Writing From Experience.
All questions are welcome.

SinC/Hawaii authors will display their published works for sale and book signing.

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