Monday, March 27, 2017

UPDATE Cover Reveal March 31 #AlohaFriday DARK PARADISE: An Anthology

A long time coming, an anthology of 17 mystery short stories set in Hawai'i, by 17 local authors, has been in the planning stages for two years. On Friday, March 31, they will hold a "Cover Reveal"
on their Facebook page for

Mysteries in the Land of Aloha

(The Facebook page DARK PARADISE goes live on March 31, 2017)

Plan to visit with these authors on Facebook, Friday, March 31. Along with the cover reveal, they will share some of the short story plotlines, details about themselves, and tidbits of writing information they've picked up along the way.

The anthology, with a Foreword by author Toby Neal, will be released in trade book and ebook formats at Each of the 17 mystery short stories offers a unique perspective  about living in Paradise (spoiler: it's not all rainbows and Mai Tais.)

Each participant will reveal something about their short story . . . without giving away the plot. Please visit each site listed below for a sneak peek at what is lurking behind the fabulous DARK PARADISE cover!

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List of participants’ websites:

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1 comment:

  1. So exciting to know this long-running project is soon coming to fruition. The cover alone was worth the wait, all the stories, "Ma-va-lus, da'ling".
